ScreenEpix Motion Picture Entertainment  
228 Main St, Ste #1  Venice, CA  
Los Angeles  |  USA 


Current News

July 2024  •  The Last Free Man on Earth

Markus Lemke and John Duncan have joined ScreenEpix as producers for THE LAST FREE MAN ON EARTH.  Lemke and Duncan have decades of experience in finance / investment strategies and ScreenEpix is pleased to welcome them to the film's venerable team.

LFM is an epic love story set amongst the seminal events of Canada's Red River Rebellion and Great Northwest Rebellion, featuring the true history and exploits of freedom fighters Gabriel Dumont and Louis Riel.

January 2024  •  The Boy Captain

ScreenEpix' animation partners, LHVFX, are excited to represent THE BOY CAPTAIN at the upcoming MIPJR international market in Cannes, France, October 18-20, 2024.

Based on the novel by Jules Verne, The Boy Captain keeps the soul of the original tale, now updated with state-of-the-art animation for edge-of-your-seat adventure in the year 2155. More on IMDbPro here.

March 2023  •  Berlin

ScreenEpix' Henric Ideström was recently in Berlin for meetings with Mert Baydur and BG Film on streaming content for multiple European markets. Details soon forthcoming.

Many thanks to Kaan Acemi and our many Istanbul friends for their hospitality and creative thinking on these projects and connections.

August / September 2022  •  Türkiye

ScreenEpix is in Türkiye from the 25th of August to Sept 3, 2022; Production discussions, finance / business, and partnership dialogue are all scheduled.

We look forward to being back again with our Istanbul friends and colleagues. Şerefe!

November 2021  •  Finding My Name

Renewed interest in Marilyn Laszlo's life story upon her passing in October 2021, and the film trailer can now be seen here. Meetings and a special event are in the planning stages for June of next year.

Shot on location in Papua New Guinea. Written and directed by Gorman Stanley, with cinematography by Yasu Tanida (This Is Us.) Additional thanks to Meno, PNG.

September 2021  •  Nicholas Forever

Tim Moore will Executive Produce the ScreenEpix feature NICHOLAS FOREVER. The family Christmas epic is slated for wide release, with Michael Schroeder also attached to produce alongside ScreenEpix' Ideström.

Executive Producer Tim Moore is the force behind many of the most seminal films of the past two decades, including Sully, Gran Torino, Need for Speed, American Sniper, Million Dollar Baby, and more. For more than 30 years he has produced for the full gamut of Hollywood royalty; Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, Leonardo DiCaprio, among countless others.

Also in dialogue on Nicholas is World of Movies, Istanbul, in cooperation with Kaan Acemi of Moskitos Films.


Berlinale 74  •  Cannes 2024


Berlinale International Jury Prizes

All Cannes Winners

Join us for AFM this fall...


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ScreenEpix producer Gorman Stanley was recently in Istanbul, Türkiye for locale and service assessment. ScreenEpix thanks Kaan, Darryl, and the whole crew at Moskitos Films for their kind attention.


ScreenEpix does not accept unsolicited material. For all other inquiries:

Address: 228 Main St, Ste #1  Venice, CA
Phone: 646 894 0952